The Smart Enterprise

8VC’s Smart Enterprise thesis, written in 2013, posited the next phenomenon to dominate the technology landscape. In short, Smart Enterprise means:

Leveraging the power of data integration
Enabling human experts to solve non-linear problems
Building platforms and harnessing network effects to take on entire problem spaces.

We predicted that “the smart enterprise wave will disrupt nearly every major sector of the global economy”, and over ten years later, we believe these predictions have been validated. Each industry thesis is in some way an expression of overarching Smart Enterprise concepts.


We’ve invested in platforms that help logistics companies become modern data enterprises. Key applications include streamlining resources, fleet operations, and finance; leveraging telematics for better performance, and, in special cases, building ambitious, next-generation forms of transportation.

Related Companies
Key Advisors

Sudarsan Thattai

Chief Information Officer, Lineage Logistics

Alan Gershenhorn

Former Chief Commercial Officer and EVP, UPS

Chris Sultemeier

EVP Logistics, Walmart Stores, Inc

Life Sciences

Much as human biology is characterized by transformative interactions, new companies are combining specialized fields such as cell therapy, synthetic bio, biomanufacturing, microfluidics, and genomics-IT with approaches such as CRISPR and AI - and unlocking exponential breakthroughs for patients.

Related Companies
Key Advisors

Arie Belldegrun, MD

Founder, Kite Pharma, Allogene, Cougar Biotech, Agensys;

Andrew Perlman

Chief Medical Officer of Velocity Pharmaceutical Development


Healthcare in the US is at an inflection point: the demand for better quality and accessibility has never been greater, and value-based care is proliferating. In this new environment, tech-enabled care models are fast taking hold, once-brittle IT systems are being made robust and scalable, and underserved populations are starting to get the attention they deserve.

Related Companies
Key Advisors

Rebekah Gee

Founder and CEO, Nest Health

Alan Murray

CEO and President, Empire BlueCross BlueShield‍

Toby Cosgrove

Former President and CEO, Cleveland Clinic

IT Infrastructure

As enterprises make the transition into a cloud-native world, a new generation of companies is rewriting the rules for data infrastructure and application software. These increasingly horizontal platforms are optimized for power and precision, serving the needs of advanced practitioners at an unprecedented scale.

Related Companies
Key Advisors

Ganesh Krishnan

Fmr VP Eng, Sophos

Doug Merritt

Former CEO, Splunk

Pankaj Patel

Former Executive Vice President & Chief Development Officer at Cisco

Government & Defense

Our Smart Enterprise thesis was partly born from the experience of building Palantir. Years later, companies in our GovTech portfolio are helping visionary public servants harness the power of data integration and modern architecture to make government more transparent, efficient, and responsive.

Related Companies
Key Advisors

Stephen Harper

22nd Prime Minister of Canada

John Tenet

Co-Founder, Vice Chairman, Epirus

Zachary Bookman

CEO, OpenGov

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